Thursday, April 4, 2024


If you've not prepared for whatever this world has in store for us, Glenn Beck did a program on the basics and how to get started in a sane and reasonable way.

Saturday, March 16, 2024


I haven't posted for quite a while. Work kicked in, life, etc. This blog isn't going away, but I'll post as time and having something worthwhile to talk about and / or share allows.

I joined a neighborhood social media group a while back. Most of the time, I regret this decision as the majority of the posts are uninteresting and it clogs up my inbox, but lately I've seen a trend of people complaining about 'First World Problems'. And those problems were brought on by us through ignorant voting practices and our reluctance to listen to anything other than mainstream media.

As a nation, we've become soft and we vote with our emotions without giving any thought to the ramifications. Here's just one example:

McDonald's No Longer Staffs for Indoor Ordering

Someone was all worked up about McDonald's using ordering kiosks inside for ordering purposes. They were in a big fit and are 'taking it to the top!'. Give me a break. How inconvenienced are they, really?

Well, that $20 per hour minimum wage kicked in for all fast food restaurants (except for Panera - more on that in a bit). That, and businesses are having difficulty hiring. There's also the delusion that places like McDonald's are filthy rich. The corporation might be, but their primary business is real-estate, not food. The McDonald's on the corner is owned independently and they're obligated by contract to sell the approved menu and purchase their food from approved suppliers. That's what franchises are and their profit margins are razor-thin. So they're preparing for the wage hike and dealing with the issue that there are a ton of young people out there that simply don't want to work. It's as simple as that. Plus it's much cheaper to have customers use a kiosk for placing indoor orders than to hire someone and deal with all that comes with it. Machines don't quiet-quit or take days off without notice.

They're also having to deal with the rising inflation. Don't listen to the politicians - 99% of them lie to us about everything. Inflation continues to rise and that is why it now costs so much to eat out - fast food or otherwise. These franchise owners are doing their best to keep their businesses afloat and certainly don't need spoiled customers complaining about their business decision. Think things through before you yell or pick up that phone.

So what's the deal with Panera? Well, it turns out that the guy that owns Panera is good buddies with Newsom. So, Newsom put in a clause for 'fast food restaurants that bake bread' that excludes them from having to pay the minimum wage hike. How convenient. If I owned a fast food restaurant, I'd be putting in a bread oven.

So Look for More of This

If our state and nation keeps voting their emotions instead of using their brains, we will see a lot more of this. Services that used to be free will now have a charge associated with them. Businesses will have fewer [and intelligent] employees. Customer service will go by the wayside. Free exchanges? Probably not. Don't be surprised if restocking fees pop up - especially in retail stores that are experiencing increased theft.

California is losing businesses like no tomorrow. Between taxes, theft, high rents and expansive regulation, it is no longer profitable, or makes good practical sense, to continue to do business here. My small town of Hemet is seeing more dollar stores come in and other businesses moving out. 

The next time you vote remember these things:

  1. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it and it will be you.
  2. We cannot be the haven for anyone and everyone that wants to come here. They take resources and services that we have to pay for. There's a reason why this state is $68 billion in debt and our nation is in debt in the trillions.
  3. Empathy is not compassion. 
  4. Quit with the party loyalty. Investigate where they stand on everything important. 
  5. Vote the issues - you may have to give up one issue for a more important one as there's no such thing as one-stop shopping with a candidate. Prioritize your issues list. You're voting for a candidate, not a savior.
    "For the poor you will have with you always, but Me you do not have always." Matthew 26:11 (NKJV)

Now I'm not saying to not be charitable, but stop relying on the state to provide that charity. Make it direct from you to whoever you want to help or support. The state will never provide that function to benefit all involved. Besides, you're just passing the buck and giving the government more control over your money and lives. Neither are in your best interest or the interest of those you want to help. Just take a serious look around and you'll see the evidence.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

The short answer is no.

For this, we have to go to the Dead Sea Scrolls for history. The Essenes, (a portion of the Jewish population), relocated to the land of Canaan. The practice of worshipping the idol Asherah was in play when they got there and the shrines for Asherah were formed in living trees by reshaping them to hold an image of the idol. To nullify the pagan shrine, Jews simply removed the idol so the tree could go back to its original shape / form.

The trees we display in and around our homes are either fake or have been cut down. Once cut, the trees are no longer living. Nor do we reshape them and insert an idol to worship. Therefore, a Christmas Tree cannot be an Asherah tree. Furthermore, simply placing lights on a living tree doesn't make it an Asherah tree either. Again, we're not inserting an idol within the tree to turn it into a shrine.

In the 7th century, a British Monk - in an effort to Christianize the pagans - referred to the triangular shape of an evergreen tree to teach the Trinity. That spawned the practice of bringing a tree into the home - and often hanging it upside down from the rafters - as a reverent reminder of the triune nature of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Trivia: It was Martin Luther who was the first person to put lights on a tree.

This part of scripture is often misquoted as the person referring to it in order to deem Christmas trees as pagan symbols, doesn't include the full context in their criticisms. Yes, Jeremiah talks about cutting down a tree and lading it with gold, but if you keep reading, you'll find that he's actually talking about carving out an idol and covering it in gold.

That said, if your ornaments are paganistic in nature, which is a whole other conversation, just stop it and remember whose birthday it is we're celebrating.

Pan-Babylonians tend to go overboard with finding paganistic symbols. This can be harmful to the body of believers as a whole. 1st Corinthians 1-3 tells us if something is clearly pagan, to nullify or destroy it. If not, don't divide believers over it. Getting hung up on secondary or non-issues is definitely one way to divide and create dissension. So to the Pan-Babylonians I say, knock it off and go decorate a tree.


Monday, October 2, 2023

October 4th Emergency Broadcast Tests

I'm sure you've heard the scuttlebutt about the FEMA tests that will be conducted on October 4th. I'm not sure what to think of it all, but the fact that China performed a similar test when they launched their 5G and people were dropping dead like flies all over the country, I think it falls into the category of 'better safe than sorry'. At this point, I don't put anything past this America-hating administration that not only is in bed with China, but is also in lockstep with the WEF on all fronts - including population reduction.

The other thing that causes concern is that in FEMA's description of this test, they indicate a backup repeat on the 11th in the event there is severe weather or some other emergency. Wait, what? If your emergency broadcast system doesn't work in the event of severe weather or other emergency, then what's the point of it? This 'test' has a bit of stink on it.

The last point of concern is that for standard emergency or amber alerts, you can disable them on your phone. However, this one is a presidential alert and those cannot be turned off. It will be run on all wireless devices.

If you don't want to be subjected to this test on October 4th, do the following:

  1. Unplug all computers and smart TVs.
  2. Unplug your router.
  3. Turn off your phone and tablet and put it in a faraday case. For added security, place inside your microwave. Turning off these devices alone won't protect them as they can be powered on remotely.
You can purchase a faraday case for your phone from Amazon or make one with materials you have at home. However, chances are that if you order one, it won't be delivered before the 4th at this point, but you'll have it for the future. Faraday cases also protect against EMPs and RFID hacks, can be used for credit cards and key fobs, so it's not necessarily a bad thing to have for everyday use.

To make one yourself, you will need:
  • A ziplock bag
  • Aluminum foil
  • A paper grocery bag or construction paper
  • Duct tape
Turn off your phone and place inside the ziplock bag. Seal the bag. Wrap in aluminum foil at least 6 layers thick. Seal all edges with duct tape. Then wrap in paper and again, seal all edges with duct tape. Repeat instructions for tablets.

Two tests will be run - one by FEMA and the other by the FCC. FEMA's test will be the longest and is  scheduled to run for 1/2 hour. I'd recommend being ready by 10am and just leave everything unplugged / off / protected for most of the day.

UPDATE: Russia will be conducting the same tests on October 3rd in preparation for WWIII that would include nuclear arms. Yep, there is evil afoot in Isengard and the West is no longer safe.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Time to End It

Well, this should end the debate over sending more money to Ukraine. Food isn't getting to the troops no matter how many billions we send and Russia is ending up with the weapons.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

California At It Again (Still...)

 They won't be happy until everyone with an income and a neuron leaves the state.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Beast Systems Are Being Created

I don't know how I missed this one, but our very own DARPA developed technology during the pandemic that is inserted subcutaneously and can detect if you are infected. Baby steps, but the foundation for tracking technology is now there.

DARPA Displays Human Implant Microchip That Can Detect Viruses

Then there's the latest from Google:

Former DARPA Director Wants You to Swallow ID Microchips

And here we go!