Friday, September 29, 2023

Time to End It

Well, this should end the debate over sending more money to Ukraine. Food isn't getting to the troops no matter how many billions we send and Russia is ending up with the weapons.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

California At It Again (Still...)

 They won't be happy until everyone with an income and a neuron leaves the state.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Beast Systems Are Being Created

I don't know how I missed this one, but our very own DARPA developed technology during the pandemic that is inserted subcutaneously and can detect if you are infected. Baby steps, but the foundation for tracking technology is now there.

DARPA Displays Human Implant Microchip That Can Detect Viruses

Then there's the latest from Google:

Former DARPA Director Wants You to Swallow ID Microchips

And here we go!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Let's Talk About Climate Change

Is Climate Change real? Yes.

Did we cause it? Yes, although I would argue it was a collaborative effort and its origins differ from what we're told.

Can mere mortals fix it? No.

In The Beginning

When God created the universe and everything in it, including us, it was perfect. 

"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Genesis 1:31 (NKJV)

Perfection and harmony. God created everything then handed it over to Man to be the steward of all. Man and animals were vegetarians, so there was no such thing as animals eating each other. It wasn't until after Noah's flood that he granted us the eating of meat.

Then along comes Lucifer in the form of a serpent. Did you know that snakes used to have legs? After he tempted Adam and Eve into eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge so they could become like God (become gods), God cursed the snake by removing its legs and forcing it to crawl on its belly. But I digress.

It was after God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden that things changed. Sin had entered the world and not only impacted mankind, but all of His creation, as well. We became fallen and exiled to live in the fallen world we created. And the world groans.

"For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now." Romans 8:22 (NKJV)

For the above passage, the original Greek word used for 'creation' means 'earth'.

And we've been wanting to become gods ever since. This is one of Satan's more successful lies. We do this in the form of discounting His existence and insisting we can do what He has done, or we 'remake' Him to suit ourselves and what we believe He should be. It's all related to not wanting to be accountable or fully accountable to the one true God as He describes Himself to be.

So What Now?

What exactly does it mean for the earth to 'groan'? Well, it means we have storms where we didn't originally have them. Earthquakes, tsunamis, monsoons, tornados, hurricanes, floods, droughts, etc. And the birth pangs? Well, the closer we get to the end, the more frequent, intense and destructive these things become. Our folly is that we think we can do anything about it. Redemption is not intended just for us, it's also intended for God's entire creation.

So what do we do about it all? Well, we continue to be good stewards of the earth and let things take their course. God is in control, so we have no reason to fear. For non-believers, first you acknowledge and accept the deity of God as He describes Himself. Then, you acknowledge that you need to ask Him into your life, seek His forgiveness for your sins and repent. He won't come into your life if you're not serious or sincere. God never forces Himself on anyone - you must come to Him willingly. And why wouldn't you? He loves us so much that He sent His Son to the cross so we could come to Him. It's because Jesus was resurrected that we are promised life after death. God wants us with Him and that's love.

In the meantime, until Jesus comes to collect us, we need to live our lives through Him. Read His Word everyday, spend time in His presence through prayer and silent meditation and educate others in how they too can become saved.

Did you know that every time you read the Book of Revelation you receive a blessing? There's a reason for that. He wants us to know what is coming so we are prepared and can effectively share with others.

For More Detail

This is a good docudrama that takes you through the Last Days events. If you don't want to deal with ad interruptions, it's also available to rent through the typical streaming services.

The Book of Revelation is not an easy read. For resources to help you through it, just click on the Bible Prophecy menu item at top for a collection of links.

May God Bless You and Keep You!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Signature Bank Has Now Failed

Signature Bank deals primarily with commercial mortgages and the lack of buyers combined with high mortgage interest rates has done them in. Other banks are trying to dump their commercial assets, but are having difficulty doing so.

Keep your eyes on your bank and give some thought about protecting your money.


3 more small-to-mid banks have failed:

  • Citizens Bank
  • First Republic
  • Republic First (yes, they're different banks)
They haven't closed their doors just yet, but they're off the NASDAQ and have been pink-slipped. I wouldn't hold my breath unless you look good in blue.

Chase has announced that they will be closing a lot of ATMs and satellite branches (like the ones inside retail stores) as they need to hold on to as much money as possible.

Bank of America has decided to take a different route. They plan on opening more ATMs and satellite branches in the hope that it will garner more customers.

The economist I follow on YouTube had his channel banned today. Could it be that they don't want this  information to get out? You decide.